Andrew Ddamba Kagwa was born in Kasambya village located in peri urban town of Lyantode in Western part of Uganda. At the age of 23 years, he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. A year later after graduation with no promising job, he decided to support his father in managing a family poultry project.

When I came to the farm, the farm was almost collapsing, the birds were very few and production of eggs was at its lowest. The birds were dying at an increasing rate each every day and we had no proper medical care for the birds,” Adrew stated. With a loan from Ugafode, Andrew was able to give life to the poultry farm again. He obtained a loan of 10 million shillings which was used for buying more broilers and expanding the farm with some few layers.

“I got to understand the business and the farm expanded so fast. So far, I have serviced over 7 loans from Ugafode and now have a total of 3,100 birds and we have also started a construction of a house from the proceeds of the farm,” he mentioned. The poultry farm has created employment, with a total number of 15 permanent youth employed at the farm.

Andrew has also started growing of passion fruits which he said is being supported by the poultry farm. He uses the manure from the chicken droppings to fertilize his passion fruits. This has greatly improved the quality of the passion fruits yields according to him. Apart from passion fruits, he has also started a small tomato growing which he plans to expand in the near future.

Andrew’s major challenge in the poultry industry is price fluctuations of eggs. Sometimes the price of eggs goes so low that it becomes a big challenge to raise money for paying workers. He is also faced with high cost of water as the chickens need a lot of water day and night. With all these challenges, he encourages UGAFODE to continue trusting them with much bigger loans to meet their future plans. Andrew plans to expand the farm to accommodate up to 10,000 birds in the next 3 years.

A Chemical Engineer Finds Passions In Poultry And Passion Fruits Farming With Support From Ugafode Loans

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Green Financing
